Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Apologizes

You probably don't know, but I've been sick. I had a fever Tuesday, and had to stay out of school. I went home early on Wednesday because my throat was terribly irritated and sore. Now, I have a brutal cold and cramps. Things could be better. So, I am supposed to be working on the new look for the blog. Which takes a lot of patience, and hours sitting at my desk. Which are two things I'm completely incapable and uninterested in doing as of right now. I've been taking Vitamin-C, and Tylenol; things should clear up soon. But I want you to trust me when I say, the blog will be done by Wednesday night. That is my promise...and who knows. Maybe it'll be done tomorrow.

Cj ♥

I give you my best wishes kisses
(taken before I was sick)


  1. Sorry to hear your sick.
    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Get better soon!
    Why you gotta be so pretty!?

  3. Thank you both [: I'm actually feeling a tad better.
    Gives me hope, haha.

    And Miss Sky, why thank you^^ Why YOU gotta be so pretty?!
