Friday, March 9, 2012

Strange Message

Today I logged into stardoll and before it took me to my account, this lovely message popped up.

Click to enlarge.

I really am happy that Stardoll prevented the hacking, but I still don't understand who would have possibly tried to hack me.

Did anyone else get this message?


  1. I got this message too, it's really strange.

  2. Yeah same! I just skipped it. What about you guys?

  3. *Sorry this comment i am about to write is not about your post.*
    You know how you have positions opening well i would like to enter, but where do i put my entire i did not see a comments area so i am a bit lost. Please help me out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry about the comments not working underneath Position Openings. Just send me, HEROtheSPICY, a friend request and I'll send you the application through a Stardoll Message [:

    3. Ok thanks 4 telling me that. Also i was wondering if i could apply for advice writer. I looked on the list for positions and it didn't have it so i was wondering if that could be an option?
      Btw thanks for replying to my comment! =d

  4. I got that message too.... I think they tried to hack the whole website. i wonder if they know who did it?

    1. Yeah, I had a feeling someone was trying to break into Stardoll's security system. They probably don't, in my opinion.

  5. that happened to everyone i know, GOD! knows if it was a glitch or some random thing going on :L

  6. I changed my pass. I'm not going to take any chances.
